I would need some positive advice for my first car. I am still observing the market and trying to collect some information as I will be perhaps buying my first car (second hand) in one or two years time. Your help is greatly appreciated as I really have burning questions to ask!
My case is I am currently a student and need a second hand car for personal and family usage. As I have to attend classes, I am not sure if getting a OPC car will be sufficient?
1. Is there a big price difference for OPC and normal second hand car?
I have saved up to about 30k to get a second hand car. Probably budget will be +- 20k for the second hand car, then 10k for the transfer, road tax and fuel for the few months etc.
2. What cars do you recommend that is within my budget ? I have seen cars in sgcarmart such as
a. Kia Picanto (heard that it doesnt have airbag?!)
b. Perodua Kelisa (is Msia cars trustworthy?)
c. Chevrolet Spark
d. Hyundai Getz
but I've heard that Korean cars are not that good, and you can't trust more with second hand cars, any advice and recommendations?
3. Can you give me a rough estimated cost for
a. transfer price
b. road tax
c. radio tax
d. monthly parking
e. all other extra costs that are not mentioned.
and yes, insurance! Heard that for first time drivers, insurance are near 2k/yr for first time drivers...
4. with a 30k on hand, do you advice to pay the full fee for the car (eg 20k) one off payment? or should i pay by monthy installment?
a. how much will the interest of the installment be?
b. for the 2k insurance, do I have to pay yearly or monthly?
5. an estimated cost of repainting the car?
I understand that it is difficult and expensive to own a car, that is why I am trying to do some planning.
If you do have any advice to give first time car buyers, please do so! Any lobang/companies/dealers to recommend? Cos I hope to minimize the risk of kena chop and cheated about car condition!
Your help is greatly appreciated!
How old r u?
How much u willing to fork up a month?
How old r u?
How much u willing to fork up a month?
in the mid twenties.
i dont know about how much to set aside a month, thats why im asking.
i can either pay in full for the car, or pay by monthly installments. i am unsure of the interest and monthly costs, thats why im asking :)
if you know what are the charges per month, like an estimation of the road tax, radio tax etc, please advice.
OPC = You get to use it on weekends/NPH
2nd hand car I wouldn't really recommend but since you've made it $30K I'd say go further, Don't waste it on second-handed cars, not worth it.
why bother buying a car in singapore? with 30k you can buy a 2nd hand Audi TT in countries like new zealand/australia.
Hi zeewee,
i was also looking at getting my second second hand car recently but after working out the sums its really tough even though i have a comfortable salary. I am in my late 20s engineer. price of second hand cars you can easily get it from sgcarmart.Search by budget. However with your budget i think it is really tough.
Price of car - 40-50k for a car with decent no of coe years left . I doubt you would want to drive a picanto till end of coe. Road tax ~ about 600-1000 Insurance ~ at your age i believe about 3k with no NCD and little driving experience. Parking charges ~ 90 bucks monthly Maintainence yearly ~ i would say about 200-300 twice/yr and thats not including changing of tyres or any major parts change. Miscellaneous charges ~ parking coupons, shopping centre parking erp...'speeding tickets' heee...all quite ex once u add up. Petrol ~ minimum 300 bucks per month. thats the killer in my opinion
Sure you can have put in 20-30k deposit and pay less monthly but is it worth it? Think of your resale value too.The figures might be wrong but not by much. I believe after you sum it all up you are paying 1300 minimum per month. So unless you come from rich family or a salary more than 3k, think twice. Cabs are so much cheaper compared to owning a car.
oops i made an error.
It should be unless you come from a rich family or have a salary more than 4k not 3k, think twice