Today I received a summon from traffic police (TP) that I have speed more than 60km/h over the speed limit along Adam road.
I was very puzzled as I did not recall driving excessively fast. I went down to TP at Ubi and was told that the speed laser indicate that I was travelling at 133km/h.
I couldn't believe it as my wife and my kid were in the car with me on that day and I am very certain not to have travelled at such a high speed to jeopardize my family.
I read in the internet that in UK certain models of speed laser used by traffic police there are faulty. I was wondering if this is a the case. I know the TP will never admit that their equipment is faulty. But the fact is I have never drive that fast in my entire life!
Does anybody know which model of speed laser gun used by TP in Singapore so that I can do some investigation of possible mistake?