Here's wat happen. I park on the side on the road for 2min leaving the car on. When i got back, a cisco officer was standing infront of my car printing the ticket. Upon see this i shouted and got the attention of the officer as i started running to my car saying sry. As i was moving my car out the officer tried to place the parking notice on the window but he fail as i move out as soon as i could.
So clearly he printed the parking notice but failed to place it on the car or hand it over to me. So did i get a fine or not?? Whats the law about this??
duh obviously you got fined. and wtf you ran away..?
boy, you are in trouble...what you've done is to run away from a summon, i do suggest you turn yourself in at a police station and explain the situation...the fact that he was about to place the ticket means he already has your details....
The police will send to you the summon.
An APB is out on you and your vehicle.
A manhunt is activated, matter of time a TP cop will spot you.
Better surrender yourself, and pay the fine, and you will be forgiven. away after kena saman?bro,this is not time u kena saman,just let the enforcement officer do his/her job...then if u still want to hang ard,do so..they won't saman 2 times,same spot..driving away doesn't mean ur saman 'disappear'