Hi all,
We commute everyday but how much do we really know about the importance of tyre? I was shopping for a new set or tyres and apparently LTA does not have a clear guidelines on the properties of a good tyre.
So I went back to my car agent and they couldn't tell me why some tyres are more expensive or amazingly cheaper than the other. I believe the differences come from rubber compound but how many knew this well-kept industry secret?
If we subscribe to the fact that good things don't come cheap, and cheap things cannot always be good, then there must be some differences between a set of expensive versus cheap tyres.
10 May 2011:
I almost go into a car accident yesterday because a silly CMI Silvercab suddenly swerved in my lane to pick up a passenger. I had to jammed on the brake, release and did a fast avoidance manuveur. If I hadn't kept my alertness, speed and safety distance, I would have rear-ended the taxi and possibly injure myself, my passenger, as well as passengers boarding the taxi. Screw that taxi driver.
Back on topic, I was really thankful for my set of tyres. It gave me the traction and safety that I needed most in time of emergency. That is not always the case with my previous O.E tyre. Let's just call it Y-brand.
Saturday noon, 2010:
It was raining and I was driving along Marymount road when my car spun 2x360 degree upon hitting a slight bend. I thought I was going to die. Then the tyres were about 8 month old with only 10K+ kilometers of mileage used. It simply lost grip!!!
Luckily, I was not hurt but my rims were scratched from hitting the kerb. A few months later, the affected side's shock leaked and had to get it replaced. Hole in pocket :(
Anyway, immediately after the freak accident, I changed my rims and upgraded Y-brand to Bridgestone tyres after long research on forums and reviews.
What I learnt so far:
1. Tyres are the only contact between your car and the road. It's extremely important when our climate is 50% wet and we need all the grip there is to keep us safe.
2. If you can afford it, go for a good set of tyres because even if the set of tyres cost $2000, it's just 5% of a $40K COE!!
3. If this set of tyre last 18 months, then your monthly 'safety insurance' will be around $110 or $3.6 per day.
Are you contented with your tyres? When is the last time you checked your tyre pressure and tread wear?
What is the value of safety when you are traveling along TPE at a conservative 90km/hr?
its ultra important ~
OE tires are never fantastic, but why must you spend $500 per tyre? I don't know any such tire even at 19 inches.
As long as it's a decent all weather tyre and not a budget type, or worse a China made tire like Sailun or something, it should be fine. A good one will cost $200 per tyre, 16-17 inches.
what car is T.S. driving.?
Originally posted by alize:OE tires are never fantastic, but why must you spend $500 per tyre? I don't know any such tire even at 19 inches.
As long as it's a decent all weather tyre and not a budget type, or worse a China made tire like Sailun or something, it should be fine. A good one will cost $200 per tyre, 16-17 inches.
Agreed. $500 for each tyre seems very ex. The quality of tyres is very important, but I'm not sure if you need F1 quality tyres on your car!
Btw nehpyh, you must have been going quite fast if you made 2 rounds when taking a bend in the rain.
The tyre is what seperates your car from the road. Its is extremely important. Only the best. If 500 bucks a pop for a tyre is what it takes to keep my car from lifting off the ground and smashing into concrete barriers, I say it money well paid.
But for 500 a pop for 19 inch, it better be at least a Bridgestone, Yokohama , Firestone or Michellin . lol. Whats ur type profile ? 255/50 ?
I noticed if u want performance tyres for performace cars, Malaysia made rubber tyres are very good actually. They have more stick, but runs out faster. So it really depends.
Not disputing the need for good tyres, all for it.
....but if lifting off the ground and smashing into barriers is an issue, then the problem is not with the tyres, rather the way you are driving your vehicle on public roads.
Anyway, the $500 was just a nominal comment I believe.
I check my tyre pressures perhaps every month or so, which is probably less often than recommended. I also check the thread level periodically as I roughly know how long they should last.
I don't get the feeling that tyre-awareness is very big in Sgp.
yes, a set of rubber is very much required coz yr life depends on the 4 contacts point
$500 for a tyre still cheap? much be rich
learn to noe how much wear in the tyres or damages, rotate n balance them every 3 ~ 6 months dependin on yr usage
there are "wet" n "dry" tyres
Rotate and balance too...yes good tips.
Are there wet and dry tyres for domestic cars on the road? I thought most tyres out there tend to be 'all rounders'? (except the top end stuff that prioritises performance)
Yes there is dry and wet tyres.It really depends on which tyre u want it to be the most ideal. There are highway tyres with threads that allows u to race through a puddle without compromising stability.
Lifting smashing into barriers can be tyres fault k. lol. If u got a lousy tyre, try cornering. :P The whole idea for a good corner is to have good tyres, not taking into account the smoothnesss of the road, the gravel and the potholes.
Aiya. as long as you routinely check tyres should be fine. Especially the inside, cause incase ur wheel alignment is not done, it may eat the inside without u realising it. N the next thing u know.. BOOM.