I earn a gross of $1300... I am planning to buy an opc used car...
1) What type of car should i buy with diz amt of salary??
2) How much do i nd to earn per mth in order to buy a used opc car??
Pls advise me... 10q...
1.3k u can afforfd to buy a car if u are nt paying anything else. i had check for u. if u wanna get some 1.3l of car which is second hand , nt very new around 2005 register, u have to pay 300+ montly.in addition wat is ur age? insurance goes by age, and road tax. let it be 1k per year. divide 12 months which u have to pay 90$+300+ so it will be 390$. including a season parking will be around 80 per month so wi;l be 470. plus additional parking give u 30$ per month so over all will be 500. fuel leh? depends on u drive often or wat. give u 100 per month only . it will be 600 in total.
ur makan leH? 1300 buy car for wat?show off?
tell u wan. i jus rent a getz last month and van this week, i had so much trouble in parking and fuel. i realised that public transport is the best. u can sleep or do anything.
1300 don think of getting a car man. no money don act rich one.
ya, i agree. Don't buy a car. Take public transport. The $1300 you mention is not even take home salary, only gross. After CPF deduction, already very little, still want to buy car. Take cab everyday already can drain you until no $$ left
With your wages, you can rent this...
$1300 don't buy any car la. Eat grass you know. Got $10, save $8 lah. Not spend $11.