guys, this morning when i went to get my car and i saw a freaking chamelon( ayia dont know how to spell correctly) its smt like a small monitor lizard kind . then went to try to catch it to remove it . and when i tried to catch it , it crawl into the engine compartment via the vents that are expose inbetween the spot light. i then open my engine bonnet and could not find it . i want to ask if it will damage my engine when it crawl to some certain parts of my engine? thanks need some urgent help.
Yes. Next time leave it alone.
It'll bite off your brake lines first.
wah?! but tried to wait for it to go off first before trying to remove it but it wont go away . then i drive out of my carpark first then get down the car to see if it went off but it is still there. Then what should i do now????? omg man
If you saw it, just say hi, and proceed to your car, and drive off. Not "try to catch it and remove it".
Lets pray its not pissed enough to bite off your fuel lines as well. If you smell petrol coming from your air con, either your car is an evo 9 or you get out of your car asap.
but if i drive off , then it will still crawl inside mah? can u please tell me what should i do now????
and i think i never explain clearly, the chamleon is on my car at the car plate there just above the spotlight . the insect is on my car thats why i tried to remove it. not i tried to catch it on the floor or smt
nothing will happen to yr engine, the engine is all seal up except a breathing hose from the rocker cover.
u r a typical singapore driver, take care of yr car more than yr GF or wife?
wah then ditzy say until like damm scary . but will it bite whatever things as what ditzy said? sian kind of wanting to remove it totally from my engine compartment man.
mouse can bite yr wiring n hoses
huh? but mine not mouse lei . sorry kind of confused
if u r scare then remove and dismantle yr engine lo
maybe u got a lizard with carbide teeth
lols, but thansk for your help anyway.
please leave it alone next time...the oxides released from its death will damage your engine...
pray that it'll come out by itself
isit cooked yet?
this thread is funny.
its going to get fried up when your engine heat up.
im damm suay la , didn go disturb anything then out of sudden 1 stupid chamelon climb on my engine bonnet . now scare he tio stuck then die inside. wth.
Marcus - do u know how to change tyres? or any idea how yr car werks?
fried lizard???
Originally posted by dragg:this thread is funny.
i agree...
nah im rather a noob in this . please enlighten me seykai .
why never call pest control to help you remove it?
this kind of thing call pest control abit over? haha . didn think of it at that time , just wanted to shoo it away.zzz in the end dont know go where , but most probably crawl inside engine bah . but think of it , will it be so stupid to crawl in ?
u think it is clever to know tt is the engine of a car and it could get itself roasted?
i suddenly think of one song which suits your situation...
you know karma chameleon by culture club?