COE should work as ballot system
Certain Citeria to work
* Each Singapore Citizen is to cater to one car only from his sucessful pick and cannot rebid again unless the car is scrap.
* Each COE should tag to his/her IC number or PR or Foreigner IC which hold EP status
* No dealer should bid for COE but on behalf of the owner
* The COE is not transferable or cannot transfer to anyone but can only use for own.
* Open cat should be demolish.
* the premium of the COE should go down to a token of 500 dollars per car
* For lorry, quota are limited and based on balloting.
* Segment cars to certain Catergory like Jaguar, BMW 7series, 5 and 3 series are not suppose to be own by people who live HDB but living in private property. If you want to posh car please move to private property.
* Do not allow company to buy saloon car under their company name.
* Every household to permit 2 cars only. 2nd car the car tax will be expensive.
Segment cars to certain Catergory like Jaguar, BMW 7series, 5 and 3 series are not suppose to be own by people who live HDB but living in private property. If you want to posh car please move to private property. Why HDB people cannot own those cars?
just becuase u cannot get your own, does not mean i cannot own those cars and live in hdb.
Of cos cannot live in HDB. Cos you car is already half of the value or same value of your flat. Remenber HDB is cheap housing and is introduced by governement for the not well to do people to live. Are you kidding me to tell me u dunno. Just that people abusing now.