By Khushwant Singh
ANGRY that a car had cut into his lane at 12.15pm on Jan 10, cabby Zulkefli Zakaria, 44, sounded his horn and flashed his car's headlights at its driver.
When this did not bother Mr Loh Peng Chai, 37, the cabby drove alongside and threw a screwdriver at the car.
Things came to a boil when Mr Loh, a finance manager, halted along Marine Parade Road as the traffic was heavy. Zulkefli then walked up and hit the driver's side window with his hand. When the car door was opened, he grabbed Mr Loh's neck with both hands for five seconds.
Police were then summoned and a doctor noticed red marks on the victim's neck.
Zulkefli also admitted spitting at Mr Loh's car.
police and doctor?