Hi all. Here is another one.
Culprit: White BMW (Weaving too fast to get no.)
Date: 06 Dec 2010 / Monday
Time: Around 9.45am
Road: SLE Expressway going towards Woodland (Exited last minute at exit 9)
Dangerous Behaviour: During a sharp left turn on the SLE, there were two yellow cabs in front of me on lane 1. The one immediately in front of me had a passenger. The white BMW suddenly accelerated from lane 2 and in the apex of the turn forced his way inbetween the two cabs in front of me. This caused the yellow cab in front of me to brake dangerously. The white BMW then proceeded to constanly tailgate the yellow cab in front and weave in and out from lane 1 and 2 along the whole drive. This eventually forced the cab out of lane 1. Finally, it made a sharp serve at the last minute into exit 9 into woodlands from lane 1 only when it was about to past the exit.
Potential Consequence: Could result in a major accident during a sharp turn involving the cabs as well as the innocent cab passengers.
Personal Oberservation: Judging from the driving style, my personal take is its probably some rich young kid driving the parent's car. Also thoughht I saw a traffic police somewhere along the way fining a lorry on the left shoulder. Why he did not see such a dangerous situtation is anyone guess. I would say the BMW is more dangerous to the public if the lorry was only just speeding.
It's common for poor people envy richer people who can afford better car, but it's best to be impartial and neutral so that you won't allow jealously to consume you with hate and end up making subjective opinions.
part and parcel of everyday driving in singapore.... whether it's a BMW or off-peak "modded" physically-only car.....