today, saturday the 20th is a rainy day..
i was driving from Tampines to Jalan Bahar & back.. in heavy rain.
in heavy rain, visibility dips. but visibility would depend from driver-to-driver yes?
while on the TPE eastbound, there was this toyota picnic doing 60 on lane 1. he had about 400metres of free road infront of him... and also on lane 2. he did not keep left.
i was the third car behind him. i went to lane 2, overtook on left, switch back lane 1. i saw the driver, a pakcik, was concentrating very hard on the road ahead. of course, when i did this, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th car on lane 1 got impatient.
and after i did the overtaking, a lorry from lane 3 switched to lane 2 to overtake one lorry on lane 3. those 2nd, 3rd & 4th car behind the picnic got more impatient. high beams ensued. picnic driver did nothing. probably still concentrating on road infront. there was a wall across all lanes.
i just drove on... they were out of my view on the rear view mirror.
so please keep left if you can't see well ahead in heavy rain. because others can or have more confidence in driving in heavy rain.
depends la.
sometimes u can't see anything de
I don't dare drive any of my company trucks during heavy rain even with the 4WD on, the headlights aren't maintained, and neither are the wipers. You make the windscreen blurer using the wipers.
depend on the car condition also. some car got no wiper 1 lor.
but then i will left all the way during rain. cos im wait for some1 to do 200 and then flip 360 and drive on hehe.