Hi all,
What would you think of a twitter account that relied on fellow netizens to update the rest about road blocks, speedtraps, raids and other police activity?
It is not meant for mischief. It is instead meant for those of us who want to save time by avoiding places with policy activity.
Let me know what you think. It would be like a police scanner powered by you!
haiii?? got ah...
Even got iphone apps to trach accident, road block etc etc liaox lehx...
just go ask the taxi drivers nor...
Accidents and roadblocks maybe. What about raids and police presence? It'll save you the trouble like when you're gonna go to a club, just to find out that it's being raided :O
driving cannot keep looking or poking at hp
bery dangerous
Of course. I meant before you set off on your drive. You check once and you're good to go.
the beauty of such apps is the real-time updates, no?