Tml is my third tp test liao.. really cant afford to fail .. damn stress
any kind souls on tips in tp driving test? btw final theory expiry is how many years? any pple can enlighten me??
Final theory should be 2 years b4 it expire (if my memory serves me right)
Tips on how to pass tp?
Drive the car as though u are the driver of a limousine ferrying your big shot boss.
the best tip is to really remain calm under pressure, thats what most students fail at..
and i believe the final theory expires after 2 years.
haha agreed.. but the big boss seems intimidating =X
Remaining calm is really a challenge sia .. keeping my fingers crossed!
3rd time should be easier to pass.
try book a lesson 1 time slot before your test.
And during your test check your blind spot. Turn your body and head to check instead of turning your head to check. Sometimes tester nvr see you check when you did and this cause unnecessay deduction of points.
Final Theory 2 years, but Basic Theory forever meh?
Safety is the outmost importance. Do not panick. But do all safety checks. =)
Women tend to be cautious about such things. Always pass first time.
Men tend to be over confident. Forget all the rules. Always die first time.
Have a look at this video Relax...
Originally posted by Junyang700:Safety is the outmost importance. Do not panick. But do all safety checks. =)
Women tend to be cautious about such things. Always pass first time.
Men tend to be over confident. Forget all the rules. Always die first time.
Where got like that one
Women tend to have poor skills. Always kelong in the first time.
Men tend to be skillful. Always swee in the first time.
thanks people ! i am turning in le. .. and yeap i got a slot before my test .. test time1145 at ubi should be ok rite? wish me good luck tml! will update on results .. good nites
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Final Theory 2 years, but Basic Theory forever meh?
yea, Basic last 4ever while Advance has a lifetime of 2yrs..
hi guys ... feeling miserable now .. got 20 marks and immediate failure,
immediate failure cos 1 guy was on e fone along the road when i turn out of circuit.
He was jus standing there , so i move and he suddenly move too! tester ebrake, give me immediate failure and minus 10 pts.. if not only 10 nia sia. damn emo... hai
Originally posted by zipi:hi guys ... feeling miserable now .. got 20 marks and immediate failure,
immediate failure cos 1 guy was on e fone along the road when i turn out of circuit.
He was jus standing there , so i move and he suddenly move too! tester ebrake, give me immediate failure and minus 10 pts.. if not only 10 nia sia. damn emo... hai
wah suay.
you should have just stop there. the most is deduct delay in moving off. or did you even stop in the first place?
sian lohs.. i slowed down and steer away abit from him already.. hmm on hindsight .. i really cant blame anyone but myself for my poor judgement ba.. really is dunno whether i have the strength to continue already.. fail 3 times.. tats pathetic
Originally posted by zipi:sian lohs.. i slowed down and steer away abit from him already.. hmm on hindsight .. i really cant blame anyone but myself for my poor judgement ba.. really is dunno whether i have the strength to continue already.. fail 3 times.. tats pathetic
Wah lan eh....... you gan si lang suay leh.....
You should lightly tap the horn and use your hand to gesture him to cross mah......
funny....i bochap also pass first time.....i wonder how come??damn it sounds damn hard in spore to pas tp.
Just to make you feel better, my gf took 6 attempts to pass, the 6th time was conditional.
6 times? that exacty wad my mum told me.. she failed 6 times haha. .
yes! i should have lightly tap the horn or i should have horn that idiot and wake him up! he was looking away from the traffic and toking on his phone till he reach the other side of the road! don even have the chance to glare at him or point middle finger at him =[
Originally posted by Junyang700:Safety is the outmost importance. Do not panick. But do all safety checks. =)
Women tend to be cautious about such things. Always pass first time.
Men tend to be over confident. Forget all the rules. Always die first time.
You got driving licence already?
nope =( .. c above chat .. damn sian ..
Dont worry though, try harder next time.
thanks =D!