I just had my 2nd practical lesson in private and got a question tat need ppl to help answer me.
B4 moving off ur car, u will clutch in and shift to 1st gear and release handbreak;
Then I was told by my instructor to release clutch abit and at the same time
press the gas pedal to start to move off. But whenever I release the
clutch abit, my right foot will tend to follow to lift up abit instead
of press the gas pedal.
So I read from some online articles tat they recommend to release clutch
abit, then follow by press the gas pedal. But is it ok to do so too?
Thanks for reading my noob question.
Originally posted by redcarpet:I just had my 2nd practical lesson in private and got a question tat need ppl to help answer me.
B4 moving off ur car, u will clutch in and shift to 1st gear and release handbreak;
Then I was told by my instructor to release clutch abit and at the same time press the gas pedal to start to move off. But whenever I release the clutch abit, my right foot will tend to follow to lift up abit instead of press the gas pedal.
So I read from some online articles tat they recommend to release clutch abit, then follow by press the gas pedal. But is it ok to do so too?
Thanks for reading my noob question.
releasing of the clutch and the pressing of accelerator should be done simultaneously.How well U can do it depends on how much practice U have.
release clutch abit, then follow by press the gas pedal...can be done but ur bitting point must be very steady...if not very easy to "kill" the engine...usually used as an alternative method to move off a slope.
Before when the light turn green (going to turn green soon), you SLOWLY release your clutch pedal and you will find the car moving slowly. Must SLOWLY release your clutch pedal! At this point of time, when the light turn green, you can release the clutch and step on the gas pedal. This is how I learn and work fine too.. Just my 2cents to you
the stepping of accelerator is to help prevent you from stalling your engine also..
and yeah more practice will help you get used to it as you're supposed to do it simultaneously..