I've been Googling getting a licence, but can't find all the answers I'm looking for.
This is what I would like to know:
* I know you have to take BTT, then practical lessons, then Practical test.
Let's say I pass BTT, then take 10 lessons, then do the practical test, and pass.
What is the cost of doing this so far? Rough cost is fine. eg $1,000???
* After you pass the practical test, how much is the licence?
* After I pass the practical test and get licence, I read there's a 1 year probation period. Is this correct? What are the restrictions with this period? eg- max speed is 70kmh? (as an example)
* Then you can renew the licence after this. How much is licence renewal? And does it have to be renewed every year, or can you get a licence for, say, extended periods, like say 3 or 5 years?
I think that's all. Thank you for reading, and a big thank you to anyone who can provide these answers :)
When you googled, you never put "singapore" into your search terms.
Try this, then check back later:
why dun u just get ur lazy ass off that chair and off that computer , go to the nearest driving centre , take ur queue number and wait for your turn. Ask the admin lady what is needed and the cost in total .
Originally posted by ditzy:When you googled, you never put "singapore" into your search terms.
Try this, then check back later:
Thanks for the site Ditzy. I typed "How to get a driver's licence in Singapore" when I Goolged it, but never saw this site.
I do have one question for you- after you pass your final driving tests, it says your licence is for life. Does that mean there is no probationary or provisional period?
In most countries I know of, there's a period of between 1 and 3 years where the newly licenced driver has this Provisional licence and it usually restricts the top speed they can drive at- eg 80kmh, and the demerit points are much lower eg 3 points, instead of 12 for full licence holders.
Speaking of speed limits, I actually have another Q! When you are on the Provionsal Driving Licence for learning, what's the top speed you can drive? The speed limit on the road? 60kmh, regardless of speed limit for everyone else?
Thanks again Ditzy :)
There is a probation period of 1 year, during that period, the vehicle you drive, you have to display the triangle plate.
If you accumulate a certain number of demerit points within your probation period, then ho ho ho.
The top speed you can drive while on probation in singapore is the same speed limit for that road you are driving on.
The cost is depends on whether you take private or not. I'm a private candidate, so my total cost which I calculated till my TP would be $1300. <-- max I can spend if I pass.
Friends who take through the school, they have to follow a lesson plan and schedule, their total cost range from $2300 to $3000.
For private whether you can spend like my amount also depends on the amount your instructor charge you. All costs are inclusive of BTT and FTT.
Originally posted by ditzy:There is a probation period of 1 year, during that period, the vehicle you drive, you have to display the triangle plate.
oh that one not decorative item ah?
Originally posted by sinicker:oh that one not decorative item ah?
Usually Ditzy will say that. HAHAHA~! That explains why my dad claims that triangle plate is e worst designed decoration decal ever.
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:
Usually Ditzy will say that. HAHAHA~! That explains why my dad claims that triangle plate is e worst designed decoration decal ever.
Better than putting a white plate with a big red "P" right?