I was unhappy to be given a $30 fine for not displaying a parking coupon when i've done so.
I hope all bro and sis can help think of solutions towards these questions.
History : I bought my car in 2008 but that is the 3rd car in the family so HDB don't wanna give me a parking space under my block, i find its reasonable so i decide to buy a parking lot 10 minutes walk from my house near the market. 4 months ago i managed to find a big parking place 2 blocks away from my house, i've notice that there is almost 15 to 20 empty space at night so i decide to ask HDB to give me a space there but was rejected saying there is no free lots.
I decided to park there using over night coupon loh since they don't wanna give me a lot. So $2 x 30 days = $60/ months is stll ok i think. But recently i was given a fine of $30 for not displaying an over night parking coupon which i've did.
1. I recieved a fine of $30 for not displaying an over night parking coupon which i've did. I did appeal online but was rejected. I know it'll be rejected cos there is no prove that i've displace an parking coupon. But i think that is unfair to me and many others if the parking aunty issue a fine wrongly, there is no ground for us to fight unless they take photo of the dash board to prove that they are giving fine correctly. I dunno do they have such practise or not lah.
2. Wonder why HDB don't wanna give me a lot despite of so many free lots.
3. The over night parking is now $2 but it'll increase to $4 in nov, i dont think i can pay $120 per month. LTA and HDB are saying the increase of $4 is to stop people from parking over night but how about people like me? I'm sure im not the only person that live near my place facing such problem. I think $4 will not stop people from parking over night loh. Please lah.. i any one of us wanna stay over friend's place for world cup, etc all don't mind to pay $4 to park over loh..i dunno wth they are think lah.
I know many will think WTF 3 cars in family still wanna KPKB ya..we've though of selling away my car.... my dad has a commercial van that he needs for his hawker biz. both my bro and me has a car each and we both work in different places. Im working in jurong island and he is working in woodlands and he is working sales so he needs to move about with his car.
So bro and sis please help in giving me some useful advice. I posted in stomp before and was slapped by many funny people not giving useful advice. I hope i can really find some help from here. :)
for someone family can afford to buy 3 cars !!!
Fxxking stop cry father and howl mother - just pay the damn $30 fine.
Like you say - think of selling your car then go sell it !!! problem resolved !
Really bro, just pay the 30dollars fine, then write in a complain letter.
There's really nothing much u can do with the fine in my opinion. Just write the letter in case shit happens again.
Wont they be making erp style parking everywhere? i figure that might solve the prob.
either u lan lan pay the fine or u go see MP. Yours sounds like a genuine concern. And fark those people in stomp, they're pretty brainless. I suggest you take the latter option.
Appeal online or telephone line or post always rejected one. Standard practice.
Should go down personaly to HDB office, and appeal face to face with the officer, then got a slight hope.
You think Wilson don't want his commission.
Anyway all the private parking companies all farkers. The more they fine, the more they earn. I bet the wardens have a certain bonus system pegged to the number of fines.
Performance bonus for you eh.
Dear storywolf,
i dunno have u read my post in detail? I'm ok to pay for the fine if i really din tear a valid parking coupon. But i did. The reason for this post is for all to discuss, bring awareness on such thing actually happens. And what can we do? Im sure many people encounter such problem as well and HBD many just pay the $30 fine and let HDB/private parking companies earn money. I think they need to come out with something to prove that we drivers are in wrong before they give us a fine. If they can show me a photo on my dash box to prove that i din not tear the parking coupon then lan lan i pay..if HDB dun believe our words then how can trust that those parking aunties ?
BTW thanks all bro and sister for your genuine comments...Rock^star bro, ya these private parking companies all farkers.
Originally posted by kapoh7:Dear storywolf,
i dunno have u read my post in detail? I'm ok to pay for the fine if i really din tear a valid parking coupon. But i did. The reason for this post is for all to discuss, bring awareness on such thing actually happens. And what can we do? Im sure many people encounter such problem as well and HBD many just pay the $30 fine and let HDB/private parking companies earn money. I think they need to come out with something to prove that we drivers are in wrong before they give us a fine. If they can show me a photo on my dash box to prove that i din not tear the parking coupon then lan lan i pay..if HDB dun believe our words then how can trust that those parking aunties ?
BTW thanks all bro and sister for your genuine comments...Rock^star bro, ya these private parking companies all farkers.
You are not alone.
I always kena parking fine even though i put coupons and the timing has not even expired yet !!!
But not by wilson parking, it is issued by United Premas (another farker)
Bro P228,
i know how u feel.. so sian... how can they issue fine any how? i dunno is there any other windows for us to bring this up. Im sure im going to make this issue big.. so that they can do something to their carpark attendence.at least take a photo for evidence lah..
Originally posted by kapoh7:Dear storywolf,
i dunno have u read my post in detail? I'm ok to pay for the fine if i really din tear a valid parking coupon. But i did. The reason for this post is for all to discuss, bring awareness on such thing actually happens. And what can we do? Im sure many people encounter such problem as well and HBD many just pay the $30 fine and let HDB/private parking companies earn money. I think they need to come out with something to prove that we drivers are in wrong before they give us a fine. If they can show me a photo on my dash box to prove that i din not tear the parking coupon then lan lan i pay..if HDB dun believe our words then how can trust that those parking aunties ?
BTW thanks all bro and sister for your genuine comments...Rock^star bro, ya these private parking companies all farkers.
hi, why don't U show them a photo of ur dashbox when the auntie is typing in your details into her machine and your coupon is clearly evident???
in other words, ur word vs aunties.. so how to trust you??!!
Originally posted by kapoh7:Bro P228,
i know how u feel.. so sian... how can they issue fine any how? i dunno is there any other windows for us to bring this up. Im sure im going to make this issue big.. so that they can do something to their carpark attendence.at least take a photo for evidence lah..
take PHOTO?? sure, but they will means costs will go UPPPPP.. so who's paying?
the people who failed to display a coupon, deservedly, but how about one owner who is the 3rd car in an HDB unit, who can't park in a lot that he bought, so he decided to park somewhere near so robbing other HDBers of their own lots??
carpool, sir..