can any1 enlighten me on the paths that one would take [with necessary school components, which in this case BBDC] to acquire a class 3 license thru private driving instrcutors? also do list the components that have to be gone through and paid for for both the sch and the private instructor.
so far i only know about the basic theory and advanced theory registration, but what other compulsory stuffs are there also?
It would be better to sign up fpr driving lessons with a school such as BBDC. They will teach you everything that you need to know to get your Class 3. From Basic Theory to Final Theory, Practical Driving lessons, Practice before the actual test.
Each learner driver would be given a progress card with the items to be covered. once a particular item has been covered, the instructor will put a chop beside that item.
Signing up with a school gets you priority in booking for your practical lessons..
true, particularly for circuits...
but since im looking at cost saving, i stated that im going for those shifu
TS, where you live?
I introduce one shifu to you?
Me using him now.... not bad..... pm me if you interested
Originally posted by collinnxk88:can any1 enlighten me on the paths that one would take [with necessary school components, which in this case BBDC] to acquire a class 3 license thru private driving instrcutors? also do list the components that have to be gone through and paid for for both the sch and the private instructor.
so far i only know about the basic theory and advanced theory registration, but what other compulsory stuffs are there also?
waa...ur english too cheem for me to understand....
so basically what U want is the teaching syllabus of BBDC issit?
nope, just inquiring on what sch stuff one has to go for aside from private practical sessions.
b4 the final class 3 test, practice test is a must to clock?
Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:TS, where you live?
I introduce one shifu to you?
Me using him now.... not bad..... pm me if you interested
jurong area, what are his rates?
Originally posted by collinnxk88:nope, just inquiring on what sch stuff one has to go for aside from private practical sessions.
b4 the final class 3 test, practice test is a must to clock?
I think U need to be very clear on the definitions of terms...
usually for sch students...there are no "private" components in it...cos everything single thing required would have been included in the sch's teaching only gets more complicated when some students want to go "private"...which I will try to cover below...
before the final class 3 practical the sch syllabus...there is this final exam...I believe they still call it "evaluation" that U must pass to book for test....U take the lessons...go for evaluation...pass test...wait for test date...go for test.
Private theory
Basically book and pay for Basic Theory Test(not sure how much...should be below 10 bucks) by urself at the Traffic Police by urself(buy books from Popular Bookstore)....go for the test...if U and book for Advanced Theory Test(same price as Basic) by urself...if U pass...U have 2 years from date of passing to get ur licence.
Sch theory
Ur enrollment fees would have included a few theory lessons to be attended....these are compulsory....and when U are done with the lessons...U go for practice(need to pay) and U need to book and pass evaluation....after U pass evaluation...U can book for Basic Theory Test...if U pass....repeat the above for Advanced Theory Test...if U pass...U will also have 2 years from date of passing to get licence.
now...assuming U passed the Basic and Advanced theory papers...U are ready to take on the practical side of things(U can do both theory and practical concurrently but that would be a little bit more complicated to explain)
Private Practical
U go out there and look for ur own instructor....U sign up with them and book a TP Practical Test date with them....due to the waiting list or whatever reason...the test date would be like 6mths away...U use this time to learn ur driving...go for the TP Practical Test date and hopefully get licence
Sch Practical
U follow the sch syallabus and learn driving...there is a booklet given and U follow the syallbus from it....when U are done with all of it....there will be an evaluation....if U pass...U can book the test date(test date for sch is shorter)....go for the TP Practical Test date and hopefully get licence
Sch+Private Practical
some people want to learn from sch...but find that they need more practice and the sch fees are not cheap....they go find a private instructor...learn from them....but still take the TP exam with the this case...the student still needs to complete all the syllabus required under the sch...since he/she is taking as a sch student....the private instructor part is more like...CCA?
think of evaluation as O level prelim...actual test is O level.haha
i took 20 lessons and passed on first practical test.still feel like as if i just started learnin driving.
after BTT cleared, can make PDL and start to look for instructor alr?
no PDL = not allowed to take even private lessons?
Originally posted by collinnxk88:after BTT cleared, can make PDL and start to look for instructor alr?
no PDL = not allowed to take even private lessons?
Yes U can apply for PDL with your BTT.
no PDL means no licence to learn on the road....and private instructor teach on the no lessons allowed.