JOHOR BARU - SINGAPOREANS are complaining that a ruling banning foreign-registered vehicles from filling up with RON 95 petrol is unfair to them.
They are also confused about whether they are totally prohibited from buying petrol in Malaysia or if they are allowed to buy limited quantities of lower grade fuel. For most Singaporeans, apparently, it is the cheaper fuel here that draws them to Malaysia and Johor in particular. Singaporean civil servant Tok Eng Seng, 38, said the frequent changes in the petrol ruling were confusing. 'We spend a lot of money here and we should be allowed to fill up with whichever type of petrol we want,' he added.
Another Singaporean, property agent Eric Tan, 43, said the lower price of fuel was the only attraction that led to many Singaporeans coming to the state. 'I believe sales of products in Johor Baru will go down once the ruling is enforced,' he said, adding that the move was bad for Malaysia's tourism.
Art, photography and design executive Alex Soh, 37, also felt that many Singaporeans would not come to Johor if the price of petrol was increased. 'Cheaper petrol is one of the major attractions,' he added.
Derrick Cheng, 53, said many Singaporeans were unclear about the issue. 'I heard people saying that the price of petrol would go up while others say that we (Singaporeans) can still buy the lower grade of petrol but are only allowed to purchase 20 litres,' he said.'It is unfair to charge separate rates for foreigners because it doesn't comply with the free trade system that is supposed to be practised by the Malaysian Government,' he added.
Salesman Ken Tan, 28, said there were traffic jams at the Causeway and because of that, many Singaporeans expected cheaper petrol when they return to their country. Brandon Teh, 26, a Malaysian who drives a Singapore-registered car, is even more puzzled by the changes in petrol purchase. 'I am a Malaysian and I deserve to get subsidised fuel. But now, I'm stuck,' said the sales executive.
Haha.. Yao Gui Singaporeans complaining again.. LOL..
I know you all very time free... but dun disgrace yourself in Malaysia mann...
Stop f***ing the car when pumping the car!!!
They simply cannot take it tat e so called cheap petrol is subsidised. So ask these Singaporeans to pay 26% income tax yearly to KL?
I expect RON97 to go up to abt RM2.70 - RM2.90 pretty soon.
Good for M'sia govt. Now can further suck Singkie's foreign currency taking w/ market rate petrol.
complain for what?
stop going there and they will feel the pinch. the businesses will suffer and they will intercede on singaporeans' behalf.
They're not going to subsidise anymore means no more.
Anyone wonder why M'sia public tpt (no MRT and so on)??? Cos need to spend $$ to subsidise road tax, petrol and so on.
Here there's petrol tax somemore.
Complaining singaporeans again.
Oil becomes expensive also wanna complain.
All the petrol kiosks near check point has no prob selling fuel to SG cars! We can see easily 75% of the cars topping there are SG plate. They even put up notice telling SG car owner not to pump in more than certain amt worth of fuel!
Dun worry so much. I went in to do my business every sunday and top up without any prob.
Ask those who had driven to Thailand and see if thai's petrol is anything cheaper? Complain la!
Originally posted by Sgm40 vps:All the petrol kiosks near check point has no prob selling fuel to SG cars! We can see easily 75% of the cars topping there are SG plate. They even put up notice telling SG car owner not to pump in more than certain amt worth of fuel!
Dun worry so much. I went in to do my business every sunday and top up without any prob.
Ask those who had driven to Thailand and see if thai's petrol is anything cheaper? Complain la!
now is no more pumping RON95 from Aug 1. Can only pump RON97 which would no longer be subsidised. So it's likely to go up from RM2.10/ lit to abt RM2.30/ lit for now.
The restriction would no more apply. Can pump RON97 till full.
M'sia govt is now smart and happy to earn your Singaporean $$...
Singaporeans like to complain.
can afford buy car but go for cheap petrol............................
Originally posted by FireIce:can afford buy car but go for cheap petrol............................
Yah lor
i pity the malaysian with sg-registered car.
Complain for f**k? They're paying their income taxes to the Malaysian government, is it? Do they realize that the subsidies for cheap petrol comes from the taxes of Malaysian citizens?
These idiots only serve to reinforce the image of Singaporeans as complain kings.
Seriously, if all e subsidy is to be removed you would realised in reality cost of living in JB is nowhere diff w/ Singapore.
Only thing being cheap is land.
what's with this people?
Is there a need for them to go to johor, malaysia?
Singaporeans requesting for cheaper petrol in Malaysia.
For those who went to Thailand, bangkok before, the temples and some attractions charge differently for thais and foreigners.
Singaporean complaint excessive foreigners in Singapore competiting resources......but want to do exactly the same in MY.....
In MY perspective we are foreign OIL and food hogger.
one bunch of cheapos.
malaysians shld not subsidise oil prices for them.