Hi all,
Can give advice on the following situation?
There are 3 lanes on the road. One cab driving on the 1st lane, a lorry in the 2nd lane & another car on the 3rd lane. The cab in the 1st lane and the car in the 3rd lane both wanted to change to the 2nd lane. Both of them can only confirm that the 2nd lane is clear to make the lane change but both changed at the same time.
The car at the 3rd lane saw the cab but the cab driver was looking in front so he gradually change to 2nd lane but the cab driver also make a sharp change lane at the same time. The cab was slanting but the 3rd lane car is straight (can imagine?).
The cab stop when he almost hit the car trying to change to 2nd lane but the 3rd lane car continued driving.
Who is at fault?
The 3rd lane car didn't bother about the honking of the cab and continued driving. However, the cab drove fast and stop beside the car at a traffic light and let down his window and started to scold the car driver.
Off topic:- Why is it that there are so many cars around Singapore when the public transport is so good?
i will answer the off-topic question only.
our public transport is not that good anymore. it was. but it declined due to rising population.
both are at fault
from what i understand from your post, the cab driver was in the wrong for not looking at the conditions in the lane and just change lane. of course he did look at the start, but he didnt look while he was changing lane itself
the car driver didnt bother about the cab's honking and still proceeded to close the distance between him and the cab, so he's at wrong.
Are you the lorry driver?
Both lack defensive driving skill. I have experienced such thing many times. Its not uncommon. Just give way and happy driving on..
I also dun thk our public tpt is not good enuf. It is one of the best in the world. Why so many car? ask Singaporeans like yrself. do you want to own a car? it is one of the 'C'!
Originally posted by lojo:
Off topic:- Why is it that there are so many cars around Singapore when the public transport is so good?
singapore is small place but PAP for some fuck reason insists on increasing population, that is the reason why so many cars.
Agree that both at fault. When two vehicles from either sides of the lane trying to change into the same lane, just be careful and give way. Both will drive on happily.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:singapore is small place but PAP for some fuck reason insists on increasing population, that is the reason why so many cars.
Singapore Ranked 3rd in World Population Density.
Singapore is way too crowded. I remembered reading a news report when they interviewed MM. If I did'nt remember wrongly, he, himself felt that having the targeted population at 6mil is too crowded and don't quite feel the same way as the current policy maker's view (in terms of population target)..something like that.
cab and third lane car are in the grey area, no one right or wrong actually.
about the OT question: may i say humbly with all respect: public transport good My fucking ass.