I am a cyclist. Coming towards T junction (as you know T junction, pedestrain light green, the light for the car is also green) so i cycle to cross the road. There is a car driving towards me and he did not see at first, but seconds later he see me and brake hard and stare at me, I stare at him back.
Problem is at here, is it me who at wrong or the driver is at fault. My light is green i can assure and there is also pedestrain crossing already and his speed was like 15-20Km/hr towards the pedestrain crossing. I find his face damn LJB, fcuking driver make me piss off..
night or day?
if night, are you riding bright, which means a white or reflective top, front headlight, rear red light, reflectors on your bike?
Just only (DAY) Very very bright day at around 8.20am, don't tell me is still darK???
then he should be looking where he's going... and have some situational awareness of other road users..
hell, i was almost hit quite a few times at the green man crossing the road on foot... and i was hit a couple of times by cyclists using the pedestrian crossing (which they are not supposed to do)
that being said, as a cyclist, do look out for traffic as you are not as protected as the people in cars.. and even if it is someone else's fault, there's no percentage in it if you are smashed up in the crash...
and most of all, let it go... your anger is pointless if the driver of the car doesn't care.. just be thankful you're not hurt...
Originally posted by linwei20:Situation:
I am a cyclist. Coming towards T junction (as you know T junction, pedestrain light green, the light for the car is also green) so i cycle to cross the road. There is a car driving towards me and he did not see at first, but seconds later he see me and brake hard and stare at me, I stare at him back.
Problem is at here, is it me who at wrong or the driver is at fault. My light is green i can assure and there is also pedestrain crossing already and his speed was like 15-20Km/hr towards the pedestrain crossing. I find his face damn LJB, fcuking driver make me piss off..
"Pedestrain light green" is for pedestrain ONLY. You are a cyclist, you should be cycling on the road & not the pedestrain crossing.
If you want to use the pedestrain crossing, you should alight from your bike and push it across the road.
Verdict: You violated the traffic rule.
But the driver must confirm the safety and check the pedestrian have any cyclist or pedestrian walking not.. Don't know how he pass his licence. If he kill a cyclist or pedestrian, I think he will regret for life for not confirm his safety.
I did confirm my safety so i proceed the road..
Thanks for your view. I just want to know how you guys feel and what is your respone to this. No offence or argue in here.
Originally posted by Insg:"Pedestrain light green" is for pedestrain ONLY. You are a cyclist, you should be cycling on the road & not the pedestrain crossing.
If you want to use the pedestrain crossing, you should alight from your bike and push it across the road.
Verdict: You violated the traffic rule.
pedestrian light green usually = car light green.. and from how he wrote it, you can infer that too
Originally posted by Insg:W"Pedestrain light green" is for pedestrain ONLY. You are a cyclist, you should be cycling on the road & not the pedestrain crossing.
If you want to use the pedestrain crossing, you should alight from your bike and push it across the road.
Verdict: You violated the traffic rule.
Wa piang eh.. Do you cycle not har? Please lah if i cycle on the road, i think my life will get shorter, there is so many cars and buses at there if i cycle, I will become a ROAD HAZARD to them, for godness sick.. I know what is right or wrong.
Don't just talk, if you were me, i think you also will just cycle and won't push your bike, is so damn troublesome.
Originally posted by linwei20:Wa piang eh.. Do you cycle not har? Please lah if i cycle on the road, i think my life will get shorter, there is so many cars and buses at there if i cycle, I will become a ROAD HAZARD to them, for godness sick.. I know what is right or wrong.
Don't just talk, if you were me, i think you also will just cycle and won't push your bike, is so damn troublesome.
but under the law, you cycle on the road..
if you cycle on the pavement, you become a hazard to people like me, pedestrians
and i have been hit by people on bikes... the latest was when i was hit in a MARKET by someone riding a bike
Originally posted by linwei20:Wa piang eh.. Do you cycle not har? Please lah if i cycle on the road, i think my life will get shorter, there is so many cars and buses at there if i cycle, I will become a ROAD HAZARD to them, for godness sick.. I know what is right or wrong.
Don't just talk, if you were me, i think you also will just cycle and won't push your bike, is so damn troublesome.
Wa piang eh.. Do you cycle not har? Please lah if i cycle on the road, i think my life will get shorter, there is so many cars and buses at there if i cycle, I will become a ROAD HAZARD to them, for godness sick.. I know what is right or wrong.
If you know what is right/wrong, that incident should not have happened.
Don't just talk, if you were me, i think you also will just cycle and won't push your bike, is so damn troublesome.
So dun blame others if you got yourself hurt.
Originally posted by the Bear:
but under the law, you cycle on the road..if you cycle on the pavement, you become a hazard to people like me, pedestrians
and i have been hit by people on bikes... the latest was when i was hit in a MARKET by someone riding a bike
Sometimes if follow law, I may become a Road Hazard to the driver and please, they are driving a CAR with four wheels and protected. They hit me, i GG. If hit pedestrian, not so bad, won't die.
There is also alot of cyclist who is cycling on the pavement, not only me..
Aiya i just want to see what is the respone only. Don't get offence because of this. I just want to know who right or wrong..
Originally posted by Insg:Wa piang eh.. Do you cycle not har? Please lah if i cycle on the road, i think my life will get shorter, there is so many cars and buses at there if i cycle, I will become a ROAD HAZARD to them, for godness sick.. I know what is right or wrong.
If you know what is right/wrong, that incident should not have happened.
Don't just talk, if you were me, i think you also will just cycle and won't push your bike, is so damn troublesome.
So dun blame others if you got yourself hurt.
Thanks for your comments and your view.
Originally posted by linwei20:Sometimes if follow law, I may become a Road Hazard to the driver and please, they are driving a CAR with four wheels and protected. They hit me, i GG. If hit pedestrian, not so bad, won't die.
There is also alot of cyclist who is cycling on the pavement, not only me..
We only live once. Please be careful while on the road.
Our roads are very dangerous nowadays. If you dun take care of yourself, who would?
Originally posted by linwei20: Situation:I am a cyclist. Coming towards T junction (as you know T junction, pedestrain light green, the light for the car is also green) so i cycle to cross the road. There is a car driving towards me and he did not see at first, but seconds later he see me and brake hard and stare at me, I stare at him back.
Problem is at here, is it me who at wrong or the driver is at fault. My light is green i can assure and there is also pedestrain crossing already and his speed was like 15-20Km/hr towards the pedestrain crossing. I find his face damn LJB, fcuking driver make me piss off..
the all-important question is...U were using the pavement or the road....or both depending on the situation?
I asked you all this, If you are a cyclist, will you prefer to cycle on the Road or the Pavement?
I tell you, of course is pavement. You will never know when or how big is the size of the vehicle is passing you from behind to front any times. Suddenly or slow of near to you. You will confirm chua tio (scare) especially trailer..
Put yourself in the shoe for those cyclist cycling..
Originally posted by linwei20:Sometimes if follow law, I may become a Road Hazard to the driver and please, they are driving a CAR with four wheels and protected. They hit me, i GG. If hit pedestrian, not so bad, won't die.
There is also alot of cyclist who is cycling on the pavement, not only me..
Aiya i just want to see what is the respone only. Don't get offence because of this. I just want to know who right or wrong..
some people can fall down and paralyse themselves....U are just giving excuses on a "I-myself-and only me" mentality...what "hit pedestrian,won't die"...U try injuring a pedestrain and see if U get sued or the police called in lor...
yes there are a lot of cyclists cycling on the pavement...a lot of people doing it doesnt mean its if trouble comes because of a car almost hit U...dun cry...
who right who wrong? The driver is not right...but U are definitely wrong.
Originally posted by linwei20:I asked you all this, If you are a cyclist, will you prefer to cycle on the Road or the Pavement?
I tell you, of course is pavement. You will never know when or how big is the size of the vehicle is passing you from behind to front any times. Suddenly or slow of near to you. You will confirm chua tio (scare) especially trailer..
Put yourself in the shoe for those cyclist cycling..
no lar...put ourselves in ur shoe and agree with U can already...
or maybe the pedestrian too poor to buy an extra shoe for U to put yourself into...that's why they walk...U cycle.
Originally posted by Xcert:no lar...put ourselves in ur shoe and agree with U can already...
or maybe the pedestrian too poor to buy shoe for U to put yourself into...that's why they walk...U cycle.
Like this the bicycle shop can close down already..
Thanks for all your respone and your view too. I do not wish to argue or offence. I just want to know the right and wrong only.
My apology if I am cycling on the pavement.
while there is a real right and wrong, it makes sense to apply defensive cycling as u are the one most likely to end up dead.
i suggest if you wanna use pedestrian crossing, but stay on your bike, to dont argue rules and just play safe.
bro linwei20, nothing happened.. just give and take lah. so long you're not caught in a situation like me.. you're good already.
if you were riding on pavement, then the driver should notice you're a pavement user & treat you as crossing using the green man.
if you were riding on road, then you should follow the road traffic lights. that's what i do when i cycle on the roads.
but then again, now i cant jog or even cycle thanks to this neck..
dude its like dat one, pedestrians, motorist and ESPECIALLY cyclist r drivers weak spots. u did his part, he did his part but its only his fault when he didnt say sorry after that. believe me.
Originally posted by Insg:"Pedestrain light green" is for pedestrain ONLY. You are a cyclist, you should be cycling on the road & not the pedestrain crossing.
If you want to use the pedestrain crossing, you should alight from your bike and push it across the road.
Verdict: You violated the traffic rule.
Yes Insg is correct.
You violated the traffic rule. Pedestrain light green is for pedestrain only. You are to alight and push your bike across.
At least do the decent thing, stop at the traffic light first , make sure the driver see you first before you cycle across.
Remember the car driver get the green light, he/she check no pedestrains at side of the traffic light , he/she start moving, then from out dash a cyclist, remember you on a bike you actually is coming out of a blind spot which driver will not see.
Cyclists riding across a pedestrian crossing are a danger to themselves as well as a nuisance to drivers.
A driver approaching a pedestrian crossing can gauge if a pedestrian is near enough to stop or not. But not when it involves a cyclist.
The cyclist moves faster than a pedestrian on foot. The driver approaching the pedestrian crossing would see no one at the crossing and the cyclist at a distance. But as the driver reach the crossing the cyclist could also be there. And the cyclists would just ride as if they have the right of way, not realising the danger.
PRC riders I feel welcome being knocked down at a pedestrian crossing. I get this from the way they ride across the crossing. Their attitude, "pedestrian crossing you knock me you pay".
There is reason why the traffic rules says that cyclist is supposed to get down and push the bike across (rather than cycle across) at pedetrian crossing. Sure, it is inconvenient for the cyclist, but it is for the safety of the cyclist.
Pedestrian crossing are designed for pedestrian crossing. This explains the existence for simulataneous green light for pedestrians and green light for turning vehicles (at pedestrian-crossing) . A "walking" pedestrian generally takes more than 7 secs to walk across a junction. But a cyclist can do it 2 secs. A motorist may not even notice a cyclist when he makes a decision to turn.
The most dangerous spot is at two-way cross junction, as right turning vehichles are occupied with looking out for on-coming vehicles,pedestrian crossing, traffic signal change, and may just attempt to turn right when the coast is clear. So, cyclists really shoud not attempt to cycle across such pedestrian-crossing, for safety sake.