Why is this in sgSexForums in the first place?
/me teleport this thread to homework forum...
i think if next time u relli wanna be vet, i think u need to first read carefully where u posting this post.
hmmm since u post it here....... then i got to ask.......... u love fucking with animal is it?? pls dun misused the trust ur patients gave u hor...
Yes you can still take Bio in JC even though you are taking combine sciences.
TS wants to be a SEX-Vet ? Sex changing for animals maybe...
Just a tip - I am in business so you should take my word with a pinch of salt - I believe chemistry and biology in secondary and high school will be more relevant towards becoming a vetenarian. Physics will still hold significant value but not relative to chemistry or biology, since physics is more mechanical than anatomy and pharmaceutical.
Can be wrong but I remembered my brother who is currently a practising doctor who aced his chemistry and biology, but didn't do all too well with his physics.