There has been many debates over whether we should have a casino in Singapore or not....this is really great to open up and communicate....
Well, many argue that having a Casino will boost Singapore economy...why not make Singapore a Country of Vices.....
Why not? The world is getting really mess up anyway...nobody cares for the right values anymore....MONEY is what matters most....so the person or country that gets the most MONEY calls the shots....
Even churches, temples, etc....are all competiting among one another and "eating" up one another....it is so messy so why bother about values and ethics!
Singapore is a small country.....it needs the capital to survive....since the government also feels that gambling will be good for Singapore as it opens doors to our economy.....
So why let people go to Thailand and Amsterdam for prostitutes...when Singapore can recuits all these girls from all over the world and make Singapore a City of Vices! World class....it will be great as it brings in lots and lots of money money money for Singapore.....
People can gamble all their money, womanize and visit all the prostitutes they want.....and why not start a porno industry here.....these are all billion billion dollars market.....
Why cares so much for the future generation when they themselves do not care about their well-being....University students have pre-marital sex, pregnant and kill her child....there are more terribile things our youth are doing....it seems no one can stop them or cares about all these....people that said they care are themselves fighting among themselves competing with one another....so why bother......the world is bound to doom!
Some other businesses that can bring Singapore billions are :
- Porno Industry, why let other people earn all the money in the porno industry and spend all our money controling it
- World class Brothel; many girls want to become prostitutes
- Casino Heaven
- etc.....
So GO for it....now Casino...tomorrow World class Country of Vices!!!
So what you thing about this crazy ideas!!!
Signing off....
Time machine