Once again we're back at this issue: Foreign Talents.
Nevermind the time when your best colleague lamented how his boss, a China man himself, actually promoted some Ang Mohs who work in an office by day and haunt the streets for local girls at night.
This is the time to make your point, Singaporeans, speak..
Well.. Just like how the government explains, in order for improvement, we have to import foreign talent to bring in fresh ideas to aid out development. However I feel that the line was not clearly drawn here.
With the above as the main reason, why do we still see expatriates here in company positions which can be easily replaced by any of our locals? And more often than not, we are paying them much more than we pay our own people who do exactly the same job as them. Shouldn't the government tighten work permit guidelines so as to prevent this from happening?
With unemployment rates still up, the last thing we need is expatriates filling up job vacancies which many sole breadwinners of families are fighting so dearly to obtain.
Don't get me wrong, I feel that expatriates coming in do give the entire industries in Singapore a push, but I hope that there are serious measures to ensure that these personnel are here for that sole purpose.
Foreign Talents(FT) in singapore is market demand.
singapore govt hardly hire any FT in his own govt .
Do you see FT in Army/Police .
you cannot stop the pte company to hire FT.
Well yes the government can limit their employment by limiting work permits to those who genuinely deserve it..