to intro myself, i always felt different abt myself since i was very young, and have been effeminate in my behaviour naturally no matter how i tried to be more boyish. i never quite fitted in as a boy among my friends and classmates, and somehow always felt myself being more like a girl. during sec 3 my parents were concerned abt my effeminate behaviour and brought me to a psychologist, who finally diagnosed me with gender dysphoria (which means im not comfortable at all with the gender im born in and i identify and desire to be the opposite sex). i started taking female hormones at 16 after o lvls ended and began living as a girl since then. i attended poly as a girl and excused from NS (PES F) shortly before graduating. i completed my sex-reassignment surgery just two years ago, and will be 24 soon.
feel free to ask any question, and i try to reply whenever im free
wat attracts u most - sex?
Originally posted by lce:wat attracts u most - sex?
haha u mean what are the qualities that i look for in a bf? and not juz abt sex la
not the BF element but the mind /soul to be a girl instead
Originally posted by lce:not the BF element but the mind /soul to be a girl instead
hmmmmmm thing is i didnt choose to be a girl lehhh...i am a girl, just that im born in the wrong body i didnt look for the qualities to decide to be a girl, im a girl mentally already before i started living as a girl.
i m asking what attracts u most as a guy not what u think u should be?
Originally posted by lce:i m asking what attracts u most as a guy not what u think u should be?
ohhhhhhhhhh :p computer games? :p quite a gamer, and still am now, mmorpgs my fav, like trove and redstone
Originally posted by lce:i m asking what attracts u most as a guy not what u think u should be?
tbh not much guy stuff really attracted my attn. even as a guy i juz like checking out those cute female accessories whenever i see them online or go out, juz attracted to them somehow
think u r too naive to understand my question.
Just tell me wtf u want in life?