1. My bosses have so far been:
a) Male
b) Female
c) Of either gender
2. I prefer working under:
a) Males
b) Females
c) I have no preference
3. Compared to male bosses, women bosses are:
a) Better
b) Worse
c) No difference
better in a way they can be more straightforward, I like bosses who are direct & not cloak and dagger office intrigue.
4. Compared to male bosses, women bosses tend to be more:
a) Capable
b) Caring
c) Meticulous
d) Temperamental
e) Indecisive
lady boss can be caring and protective, but dun ever ever betray them or else ...

5. Besides gender, I assess my boss on this other factor:
a) Age
b) Education level
c) Marital status
d) Physical appearance
e) Ability on the job
First thing any manager needs is to earn the respect of it's subordinates so I guess "e" Ability on the job better than everyone else.
If I'm better than my boss at work then I what I need my boss for?