Just quoting and replying
[b]Things you will face if u marry a smoker
1) You will also become one even if u dun smoke cigarette; 2nd hand smoker.
AGREE2) Cigarette feeds the addiction it creates, and so u r marrying an
addict. Takes time to consider the problems.
DON't UNDERSTANDMeaning that you will have to waste money feeding his addiction on cigarettes.
3) You shouldn't feel the heartache if he/she took out a few ten dollars notes everyday to burn. Cos it is the same effect as buying $10/packet of cigarettes to "burn" his lungs and money, not including the extras needed for medical bills in the future. To the smoker, it is money well spent.
AGREE, but then it's his money (allowance) each month...so.....everyone is entitled to pleasures. Like for some women, they spend on SPAS or manicure each month. Don't you think that's also just as bad?SPA and manicure don't cause lung cancer and other health complications. it isn't just about spending money. there's nothing wrong with pleasures, as long as it doesn't harm other people in the process. smoking (a pleasure?) harms the family.
4) Smoking can interfere with medicines used to treat high blood pressure. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled high blood pressure is a leading cause of kidney disease.
AGREE 5) You need to smell the cigarette stain even when u are sleeping, or when doing activities with him/her. And these chemicals isn't any benefical to u.
AGREE, but however, if he takes good care of "cleaning" himself like brushing his teeth and bathing after smoking. What's the issue? i've got friends who does all those things and still smell of cigarettes. faint, but still there.
6) Your children's health will not be spared too since they will lived in the same smoky environment. Whenever they have problems with their lungs (e.g asthma, bronchitis etc), you shouldn't forget it is due to the increased risk in the environment they lived in.
AGREE, BUT again, it depends on the smoker itself. If he/she takes good care not to be "blowing" or "smoking" infront of ur kids and cleaning up before any sort of smoke gets to ur kids. Is that an issue? yes, it's an issue. my ex neighbour's dad smoked outside the house etc, but the kid in the end still picked up smoking. i'd agree that even if your parents don't smoke, you could pick up the habit from outside, but let just say that its worse when your centre of influence since young, smokes. the tendancy is higher that you will pick up smoking. the probability of someone with a family background who smoke, pick up smoking is higher than someone with a family background who doesn't smoke.
7) For u, expect to live a poorer life. The money spent on cigarette is more than enough to pay for the PUB, Phone n Internet bills every month
MAYBE, it depends on how much the smoker smokes? True, but the money spent in cigarettes, regardless of amount, can be used in a better way. Hell... giving it to charity is better than buying cigarettes.
8 ) During work, the smoker cannot concentrate on his work for long and will take more breaks than others, to feed their addiction which they explained it relieves their stress.
MAYBE. Again depends on smoker. Some smokers can do w/o smoking for days or they are social smokers...so..this don't affect them True, but how many smokers today can say that their "social smoking" habits didn't become something more than just "social"?
9) As time passes, he/she will cough more n more, even when he/she is sleeping.
eh...so far I don't hear my husband coughing leh Wait another 10 years then say.
10) The above problems is worst if u smoke cigarette too.