ok lets break down costs to earn $1000 per month ...
Lets average transport to and fro to approx $1.5 per trip so dats $3
Lunch $3 mebbe a drink $1.1 so thats $4.1
so say 20day month excluding sat/sun days dats $7.1 * 20 = 142 clams
dats for weekdays, if want to enjoy frugal weekends
like go for a sat movie $8 bucks * 4 sats = 32 clams
lunch say 10 bucks at a fast food restaurant = 40 clams (4 sats)
den mebbe limit to 2 beers or 2 house pour if go pubbing dats $14 * 8 = 112 clams.
so the damage is
$142 for work
+$184 for sat enjoyment
= $ 326 total damages
minus from net salary $800 = $474
$474 excluding pay handphone & internet & cigarette bills, pay parents etc ...
$1000 barely enuf to survive ... and enjoy a bit