Why ppl smoke when the ill effects are known for decades
cos they are addicted with the nicotine and have been brainwashed by the tabacco industry for years.
Please stop smoking. It isn't cool at all, and it shows a certain weakness in you.
poon cho tang
i m migrating to bhutan next year
Originally posted by poon cho tang:
i m migrating to bhutan next year
What's that got to do with smoking?
its my choice. like why do people still eat when all our food is laced with poison??
Problem is - there is no solid evidence that smokers are much more short-lived than non-smokers.
True that we have known about the ill effects of smoking, but these problems don't come into view until the smoker is in bad condition. My dad, a smoker, almost lost his life the last time he had a surgery - reason is that he has very weak and soot-filled lungs resulted from decades of heavy smoking. His lungs started to fail to take in oxygen. His heart and liver was starting to fail too, all are results of heavy smoking. Smokers don't realise or see the effects until it is almost too late.