Originally posted by SnowFlag:
Come next year, it will be a criminal offence to install pirated software.
To me, it is a step to recognise the hard work of the software developers.
Moreover, there are now many open-source softwares that u can use choose from.
Writing a software requires many, many manhours de. Big programs like Warcraft III took about 10 years to release after Warcraft II. WinXP took about 10 years too, from win95.
Next year Sing Power will suffer loses, more social problem, kids hanging around arcade, maybe 50% of them have to go back to school to finish their project or anything related to PC, computer literate rate might drop to maybe 30%, 70% of the PC have to shut down and sell to karung guni man.
maybe have of the subcriptions will withdraw.
So for those who is using pirate windoze, please switch to the Penguin now, it 's open source and free. look much better than the teletubies playground