Originally posted by progene:
Dun tink it will extend oso, they cum at e wrong time...wif weather so hot, so hazy, who will go!!! Summore so far n ulu...e place at woodland rite!!

Tell dem to cut down e price n cum bac sum othe time la!!
I personally think it's the price that scares ppl off lor.. First time they come, ppl nv see and play b4, so willing to pay that sum of money to get in and play. Now, second time come, lost interest liao.. Somemore so far..

With that sum of money u spend to get the gigantic plushie, u can buy one outside liao lor. And who knows those are "Made in China" anot? If it is, not worth lor.. But hopefully on the last day, they will find it mafan to import all the stuff back, so they'll try to be kind and generous to give out some dolls even though you play lousily.

Once in river hongbao, i played the game 2, 3 times without winning, the lady oso gave me a small plushie