Chicken or Egg First?King Milinda said:" Revered Nagasena,as to that which you mentioned-the earliest-point cannot be shown-make a simile for that."
"As,sire,an egg comes from a hen and a hen from an egg from a hen-is there
thus an end of this series?"
"There is not,revered sir."
"Even so,sire,the earliest point of time cannot be shown either."
"Make a further simile"
Venerable Nagasena traced a circle on the ground and asked King Milinda:"
Isthere end of this circle,sire?"
"There is not,revered sir?"
"Even so.sire,are those circles spoken of by the blessed one:"Eye-
consciouness arises because of eye and visible forms;the meeting of the
three is contact;conditoned by contact is feelings;conditioned by feeling is
craving is;conditioned by craving is karma and eye is born again from
karma.Is there thus an end of this series?"
"There is not,revered sir."
'And,sire,the same applies ot ear-consciousness,ear and sounds;nose-
consciousness,nose and smell;tongue-consciouness,tougue and tastes;
body and touch;mind-consciousness arises because of mind and mental
object;the meeting of the three is contact;conditioned by craving is
feeling;conditioned by feeling is craving;conditioned by craving is karma
and mind is born again from karma'.
"Is there thus an end of this series?"
"There is not,revered sir.'
"Even so,sire,the earliest point of the time cannot be shown either."
"You are dexterous,revered Nagasena."
p's To be Continued