Duration needed to get a new licence after it is revoked.
Duration includes theory tests and practical test,and chances of passing.
Now shorter, I think 2 week can already, if you want to take PHV licence before januaray(new laws kick in for PHD driver), you can go NTUC to register, course location will be at Woodleigh under NTUC/NTA...nabey, NTUC double head snake
Pardon me,can it be that fast in less than 3 wks ??.
Waiting time to take theory test at least 2 wks,waiting time to take practical test at least 3 mths if I m not wrong.
Artillery Cannon
Might as well ask LTA. U come here ask TD. And Bowah answered. Lol
very difficult to pass
Not difficult lah, now shorter, got lots of sponsorship, can also use future credit to pay for your course, so it is like free, if kenna psycho'ed by taxi companies, they will pay everything for you, and make sure you passed, then later, you will hv to slave for them, squeezed until tar tar for them.
Taxi is no more viable in Singapore, it should be categorized under the least option if one is looking for a job, for today taxi driving, only the strongest will survive.
If you got a TDVL< switching to PHD only need 2 hrs course