hahaha~~~~ YooHoo~~~!!!!
Hi All,
GamXia all of you for attending LDF 1st Year Anniversary~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha.......hMz....let me recall who was in the list....
1] Kops21 [The BOSS]
2] Kops21"s *ahem* [THE BOSStress???]
3] Kenashi [Cyclops]
4] Kismet [The erm...ABC?]
5] MeowSusan [The "24yrs old" ]
6] MiniMeow [The ah lian]
7] Limbei [a.k.a Yan Dao a.k.a Yan Fei's long lost brother]
8] LimBei's *Ahem* [Cryolinda]
9] Lim Bei's *Ahem*'s "ahem" [The NewBird]
10] Simple Bear [Too simple to be simple]

Special guest for the afterevent:
a] Ratty81 [The killer a.k.a CLEARTABLE]
Yea~~~ Of coz 80% of them were late...TMD...where got GUESTs wait for Organiser/s cum PR one....ai si ah?!!!

Nehmind~~~There were also some "SPECIAL ONES" who flew kite yesterday...hahaha...Swee leh~~~~
Nonetheless...we had a sumptous meal...damn...never knew that Vegetarian food can be so NICE.......BUT SO EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!! NNE....but nehmind, we were heavily subsidised by the BOSS!!!!!
Haiz...long long long long time no orgy big big liao......eh?! I mean, long time no organise big big outing liaoz.....see the lao jiaos until sianz liaoz.....no "Freshness Feeling"...whahahaha....
/bio ard
phew~ Arbo tio pak...
oh ya hor.......me not the LDF MOD leh.........wahahahahha.....steady leh!~
Cum here n "Ti Guan"!!!!
add by MeOwSuSan