Ok... Cai Feng, Wang n Peijun have went seperate ways to acheive more things in their lifes. I think it was settled in this way so as Wang won't be sorry to any of the gals.. But i guessed ultimately, if the ending Wand were to choose Feng, think most of the audience would be happier, including me who was like " HUh?" after the last episode as i felt Feng n Wang was a happier couple together.
Nonetheless, TVBS will be coming up with another series as Square Pegs is so popular. With Roger Kwok and Jessica Hsuan to continue their love again in the story. The characters will be created with Square Pegs characters as a basis, in short, Roger will be Wang and Feng as his wife, but it will be set in modern times. Can't remember the exact story plot... read it from a magazine.
I think the title goes "AH Wang Wai Zhuan" something like that
Please do stay in tuned for this coming series.... if u think square pegs isn't enough...