Interesting article.

In ancient Greece, women had neither political nor legal rights, only slightly better than slaves. They received no former education and they spent most of their time at home in the womenÂ’s quarters.
According to a story, the ruler Hiero who was taunted by an opponent for having bad breath asked his wife why had she not told him so. ‘I thought ALL men smelled like that,’ she replied naively.

On the other hand, the hetairai were successful women in a manÂ’s world. They were usually beautiful, talented, witty and knowledgeable. One main reason being they were allowed to join their clients at the supper table - a good source to pick up knowledge on cultures and public affairs i.e. allowing them to sustain intelligent conversations with their clients. A wife seldom dines with her husband and never if he had any guests with him.
The hetairai used both the quality of their minds and beauty, a combination that most men find hard to resist.