Originally posted by Lingos:
I'm not psychologist.
But my lay man understanding is.. (and i know Ged will correct me)..
That Schizophrenia is when you believe there is someone talking to you. You see people that no one else does. (think beautiful mind)... btw i must say that i was disappointed when i found out that Charlie did not exist.
My friend's mother is diagnosed with Schiz. One time she dyed her hair all blond cos "The bad people are coming to get me, i know you can't see them, but they are coming." We discussed this after watching a beautiful mind together, he said that it is partly genetic. Since then, i've been 'watching' out for him. Everytime i see his mother, she's going woooohooo on drugs. I hear that she comes in and out of hospital as well. Especially at traumatic events, funerals or their pet got ran over or something.
Multiple personalities is when another person takes over the body. Gedanken, wasn't there someone who was recorded to have up to 80 personalities? I don't know, i read it somewhere... can't remember where. Supposedly these personalities take over the body and the actual person cannot remember what was said or what they did. Well.. that's what i think anyway.
You rang?

Well, what you've got there is part of schizophrenia. Schiz is actually a vague cluster of disorders that involve:
- distortions of reality
- disturbances in thought and language (this covers hallucinations)
- poor social skills
Sounds like the trolls on SGForums, doesn't it?
I wouldn't be particularly concerned about schizophrenia if I were your friend -IIRC, the last time I checked up on the figures, there less than a 5% chance of a schizophrenic person's child developing schizophrenia. However, I'd stay well away from drugs if I were your friend - there's plenty of evidence that drug use triggers schizophrenia in people who are predisposed to it.
More likely than not, your friend's mother is on antipsychotics like Resperidone, which are meant to keep her from going overboard and becoming a danger to herself or others around her. The prognosis is fairly poor - if you've kept a schizophrenic individual safe, clean, well-clothed and well-fed, chalk it up as a roaring success.
In your friend's mother's case, it appears to be pretty much the textbook definition of paranoid schizophrenia. She doesn't see or hear any imaginary people. Instead, she infers that they are there and out to get her by objects and events that she takes as evidence of their existence - though distortions of reality, anything can look suspicious.
I'm probably being hard-headed about it, but I haven't seen any research that convinces me that a person can have multiple personalities, instead of simply acting in an uncharacteristic manner as a reaction to severe stress.