any relationship, both people influence the other's behaviour. In almost every conflict situation, both parties bear some responsibility for where "things are at".
Focusing on blame will just drive you crazy. The key to these situations is to focus on what YOU can do to make things better. It doesn't matter who is at fault, if your concern is to make things better.
You have little control over the personality, and even behaviour of another person. Your best bet is to focus on your own behaviour change. Ask yourself: What am I doing that contributes to this unpleasant situation, and What can I do to change what I am doing. It sounds like what you are doing now isn't working so you have to look for another approach.

Your responsibilities include:
- approaching the other person in a polite, problem-solving way to work things out.
- avoiding actions (like gossip) that make the situation worse.
- a willingness to recognize that you have probably contributed to the problem.
- listening to the other person rather than trying to convince or bully them.
- seeking help from others in a dignified, open and constructive way.