The Famous Ghost Haunting at Bedok
Some blocks of the HDB flats had to be abandoned for years because of this case.
There are spirits wandering high in the air in the photo.

At Bedok North Avenue 4, block 99 ( Singapore ), there used to be a famous suicide case where by the boy mother threw her 3 year old sleeping child down the 25th floor. After which she fell to her death too. The police classified as as suicide and no foul play was suspected. The family had problems, lots of financial problem. The husband owed the loan shark lots of money, the family was breaking up. The father was seeing another woman and he wanted a divorce. The wife refused and hence they quarreled everyday.
What's more eerie was that at her death, she was wearing a bright red dress, which was her wedding gown. Although there was no suicide note, something weird she wrote on the wall would freak most of us out. She wrote "Its not over, darling" in Chinese with her OWN BLOOD!
But the truth is, she never did return at all. But someone else did! The husband wanted to sell the house but could not find a buyer, so in the end, his mistress move in and got married. After a few years, they got a boy, which was by then 3 year old. One day something spooky took place. Out of a sudden, the boy who was sleeping in the afternoon, suddenly started talking and laughing in the room. The maid went in to check but found the boy simply just smiling at the wall and said "kor kor" which means brother! The maid told the events to the parents that night but they simply said they he was playing by himself. That night, the son suddenly cried very loudly and run to his father and said that Kor Kor bullied him. The father simply scolded him and tell him not to make things up. That night, the boy refused to sleep in his room and hence the father got no choice but to let him sleep in his room. In the middle of the night, suddenly the boy's room was filled with loud banging of cupboards and loud cries of a child. The crying seemed oddly similar, thought the father, its as though it was his dead son. Scared, the father told his son to stay in the room while he and his wife check it out. But when they open the boy's room, nothing was found. Suddenly, their maid screamed! The parents rush back to the room only to find their son standing on the edge of the window. It is not know how the grilles have be pry open, but there he was, laughing and smiling, waving goodbye to them and said that he is flying with superman, his brother. One final flying kiss, and he leaped to the darkness. The mother and the maid fainted.
The next day, the police swarmed the place once again for investigation. The father was kind of lunatic at the point of time, the mother was still too distraught to speak. On the walls of the parents room, something even more creepy awaits them. The words "This is for mommy" in Chinese was scribbled on the wall in black. The police has classified this case as unnatural death, not foul play was suspected again.
Till today, the unit is still vacant as neighbors would go around telling potential buyers about the history of the house. Rumor was that the night of the incident took place, it was the little boy 3 year old birthday (the one that was thrown down by his mother) anniversary. Many neighbors that night could hear strange eerie sounds of a woman crying softly.
Many years have past, till today, the present, many people could still hear a boy and a woman laughing in the middle of the night!!!