Hi, it's been a while since I gave my contributions for this forum. Well, here are my feelings about maximum tune:
1) Car choices
Yes. It is quite complete but slightly loses out to Inital D in terms of car choices.
2) Internal Mods
These are def. cooler than Initial D. Instead of just words like initial d, there are actual pictures and explanations as to why the mods are needed.
3) External Mods
I guess this is where Initial D tops Max Tune. The external mods, like carbon bonnet hoods etc are def. cooler than the choices max tune offers.
4) Music
I myself am a trance and techno lover, so Max Tune gets 2 thumbs up. Ver 2 initial d is comparable but version 3 initial d isnt really that great in terms of music selection.
5) Skill
I think Initial D is a more technical game and requires more skill. Maximum tune is more like driving on AYE or PIE or SLE, BKE, TPE, CTE at high speeds. Where as Initial D, a lot of emphasis is on making the corners at the correct angle and exiting at the highest speed possible. I am not saying Max Tune requires no skill but Initial D is much harder to master than Max Tune.
6) Gear Shift.
Hands down. Max Tune wins over Initial D as there is an actual 6 speed shifter and not step-tronic.
7) Steering Wheel
Cant adjust. Initial D is better and stiffness can be adjusted.

Initial D boost on is more ridiculous than Max Tune boost on. Inital D boost on, if you are really far, you still can catch up. For Max Tune, if you crash and your HP is not high enough, even with boost on, your recovery is slower and if you are far away, you wont be able to catch up unless your opponent crash out as well.
9) Hp
The more you have in Max Tune, the faster you recover from crashes. Even if you have boost on, if your car is not at least 700+ hp, you wont be able to catch up if your opponent has higher HP. (if skill is even)
10) Cartoon
Max Tune is more cartoonish than Inital D. Perhaps the colour is richer and brighter.
11) Tracks
Like i said before, it is like racing on AYE, PIE etc... So to a certain extent, most tracks do seem to be quite similar. Unlike initial D, Akagi, IS very different than Irrouhazaka.
12) Cars to choose
This game is more fair than Initial D. Unlike ID ver 2, if you have a DC2 Integra, you will win most games. But in Max Tune, all cars are pretty much equal and your skill is where it comes into play. the good thing is that this allows players to choose the car they like and not just the "best" car in the game so as to stay competitive.
13) Which game is better?
There really isnt one that is better than the other. Both games are great to play and very enjoyable. I think it is a good switch to have another game that all of us can enjoy. But if i have to spend $2 on a game, i probably will choose WCCF... hee hee.

Well, i have a Chaser Toyota @ 700+ hp with 14 stars so far in battle. Next time i try more cars, i will post my opinion. Why i chose the chaser? Well, it wasnt by choice. I was scanning through all the cars and my time ran out and it self chose for me... ha ha. How stupid of me. But it turned out to be a pretty good car. very stable in high speeds.
Till then,
Drive safe, shake hands after you battle, smile more, lose that ego get more credits.