My personal ratings for Namco Toyota Corolla (NZE121) after getting 800HP today... these info might helps anyone who wish to get this car...

Ratings from 1(Min) - 5(Max)
Acceleration: 2
Top Speed: 4 (342Km/h at 800HP)
Cornering: 3
Stability: 3/4
Grip: 3
Pushing: 3
This car in my opinion, use high HP to run will be better... for battle sake if you want, increase your HP to ensure a better chance of winning... just try to stay in front of your opponent and let your opponent bang your rear and it helps... i feel that this car is not that lousy, it is just awaiting for someone who can handle it only... so far, i can't handle it but who cares...

therefore, this car i think you can get it if you want...

Compare this car to toyota Celsior in which i have created a short faqs in about one year ago when the code was released on the net, i feel that NZE121 is better than UCF10 in terms of acceleration, top speed, handling and etc... actually both cars have their own strength and weakness but i still prefer NZE121... thats my 2 cents of info...
Now i am still waiting for the KZH100G thingy...
This is just a mini/small guide to help those who are interested in NZE121 only... maybe i am more interested on those secret cars... :p