BabyBoy confess plpl is his little beauty!
BaByBoY: mi pops in see who`s ard????
plpl: kaypo lao baby
BaByBoY: wat lao baby.. me young and cute baby ok.....
plpl: eee.... bu yao lian de lao baby...
BaByBoY: wahaha come on my little beauty...
BaByBoY says plpl is the only chiobu around!
BaByBoY:anyway why u still nv slp????
plpl: why u so concern abt me huh.... but too bad i not telling u... hahaha
BaByBoY: as long as u ard.. the other gals none can be called chio bu....

Axelheat755: fwah... looks like a love confession to me!

Hopy: x2

Axelheat755: see hopy also agree wif me... need to inform pipi & pootpoot write a close up scandal for u 2 hahahaha
BaByBoY tries to get close to Hopy!
BaByBoY: don care abt her lahz... she`s crazy.. kekekeke
plpl: si mi i crazy.... u making every1 who come in n see blurz okie.... go n sleep la u
Hopy: no worries, tt's how they greet each other.. 'ta qing ma qiao mah'
BaByBoY: eheh, i also nv say mi and u.. why wanna xian hai me w this zhar bor???

Bismarck: Warning to hopy: please do not disturb the couple when they da qing ma qiao...

Hopy: ok ok noted.. me shall retreat now
BaByBoY: NO!!!! got ppl will miss u one..
plpl gets jilted and fights back!??
BaByBoY: mai like tt lez (Hopy).. mi no like tt zhar bor (plpl) lahz
plpl: si lao baby dun say till like as if the other party also like u lor.... dun think u can "hiam" ppl den ppl wont "hiam" u lor....
plpl: yah la hopy n chio bu n MI is ur darling wad.... 3 more than enough already for u liao.... can rotate de.... if not u will die ah....
Axelheat755: plpl trying to compromise... agrees to let BBB take in 3 concubines...

Hopy: oei me already retreat liao how come still pull me into the water... me dunno how to swim 1 leh...
BaByBoY Jia Ka Liao!!?
plpk: i dun play liao le.... i go bathe......... byez
BaByBoY: careful floor slippery.. may u fall down pi gu kai hua!!
plpl: i got flower or not also non of ur business....
BaByBoY: wahah mi rescue u ba..
Babyboy oni want....plpl: moolah??? u missed moonice ah? she is chio bu's 1 liao
BaByBoY: i nv say i wan her hor.. mai anyhow say... u i also no wan...
plpl: lao baby i say again hor i dun wan u hor dun always make it seem like u dun wan me 1 okie...
Hopy: tml not going... movie.. me no watch scary movies one
BaByBoY: aiyo.. come lahz come lahz.. miss hopy le.... the movie u no wan watch scary one i company u watch others lohz.. `house of flying daggers` u wan??
Hopy: dun 1 lah, wait u not going w/ them when MI n p|p| scare, who can they lean on?
BaByBoY: let them go chaos lohz....
Hopy: aiyo, u yu xin he ren?
BaByBoY: wahhaa i don care lahz.. kekeke
All of the above is just a fiction of my imagination...

Taken from discussion threads...