Hi Guys,
We are a group of Singapore trekking enthusiasts who are making a trip to beautiful Uttaranchal in India, on the 31st of Oct. We have 7 and would like abt 10 in the group. So we are looking for 3 more pax to join us.
It will be a 2 week trip, returning on the 11th of Nov. Price is $2000,including airfare, meals and accom. Nothing else to pay for.
This is a real good deal. We will bascically do abt 6 days of trekking and the rest, travelling and sightseeing on the mountains. It will be a combination of staying in luxury places as well as roughing it up in the outdoors, in tents etc.
We will have a group of porters and cooks following us, so we will be looked after!
All of us are novices at this, so we welcome novices. If you are keen, do drop me a mail at savvyguy30@yahoo.com