I'm gonna serve my remaining months in Jurong Camp. And for these few weeks before going for medical board, I need to stay in camp during the weekdays.
Hence, I'll be here less often liao... I'll definitely be back to haunt the forum every weekends from now on.
Also, to icy's "family" members... take care! Uncle keu loves u all.
Ah gackt, enjoy ur NS days also.

Deathscythe, enjoy crapping.

Porky, post more siao pictures.

Shinta and Nelstar, enjoy romancing each other.

Progene, behave urself...

ah Heng, dun wack gene too hard. But still must wack kay?

And also, to all the rest who are not mention... I'm gonna miss u all and all ur craps...

lastly, icy... look after them okay? I'm gonna miss you.

Okay lah, I have to go now. See u all this weekend!!!