I am thinking about revamping this place now that i am free...cos most of the moderators here(well all of them actually except me) have not come in lately. So am thinking of getting new mods..
I have already msged DA77 about this matter, and he has given me the green light to just get someone to replace him since he won't be coming into the forum that often le.
So to the other mods, SgBoy2004 and Foga, I am not sure if you are all still interested in moding for this place? I have also PMed you both regarding this matter, so do let me know as soon as possible...if not, I will just go ahead and get someone to replace both of you le...
Those who are interested, pls do post in this thread or PM me regarding your interest and I will select those who are most qualified...
Basically I am just looking for people who are sincere about moding, those who dun mind looking after this place together with me, who will be committed towards not letting this forum rot when I have to take breaks to attend to my studies stuff. So maybe just need to post a few threads now and then, not that hard right?
To those of you who have been dropping in this forum, thanks and appreciate all that you have done, be it time spent crapping with me in those threads created when I am extremely stressed out or bored or time spent posting those thought provoking threads...love you guys and keep the threads coming!
