was having this short break in between classes and as usual, my wallet on the table and i went out to take a call for a while. when i came back i wondered why my wallet had shifted and my friend had some cash on his hands and someone told me now collecting class fund and so he took the cash frm my wallet. he was those like trying to be funny so take frm my wallet but i was damn pissed off with that and gave him the super angry look.
the next day, i was sitting behind him and i was switching the hp to silent mode and that stupid moron looked and made a taunting comment said " eh u see that guy show off his new hp and now ah staring at me. wah lau eh this guy"
like hello? i change profile also come and make this kind of farking comments from this jealous fart. hell i didnt even flash my hp ard. stupid jackas.s

all along i already dislike the ppl from his country (frm a neighbouring country), his own country really the same pattern as him, jealous of others and making taunting comments