Dear fellow Saab enthusiasts,
Registration begins for T.E. annual Saab Trail during 11-14th June'04. Please mark your calendar dates and apply for annual leave now.

The itinery as follows:
Day 1 Will leave Singapore @ 7am with stops @ yong Peng for food. Lunch @Kuantan,Indra with treasure hunt all the way to our 1st stop Awana Kijal; A 5 star resort with all the facilities to make you smile. After checking in, we have games and activities planned and the day will send with seafood dinner in Chukai town.
Day 2 consist of golf for the enthusiast and optional activities for the non golfers such as activities like Village tours, Turtle sanctuary etc. The day will end with our Theme Party for this drive.
Day 3 will head to KL after breakfast. Will check into Prince Hotel (5 star hotel) with Dinner @ Seri Melayu. You might opt to go bargaining hunting at China town or check out the hotel facilities.
Day 4 will see us heading back to Singapore but not before some
excitement akan datang.
You may contact James WoodWorth at for more cost details and registration forms unless you have receive it directly from T.E. via mail or email already.
T.E. Marketing & PR dept has successfully organised this annual event every year during the Mid-year school holidays and every participant has thorughly enjoyed the itineries and the drive.

It will really be a exhilarating exposure for Saab owners to experience the ultimate potential of your Saab's sheer prowess either on the B-road drive up or the N-S autobanh drive back.
