One day BaByBoy arrived home with his Ah Beng look that shocked his father upon seeing him....

His defiance and attitude problem thus angered himself to take on his father into a very violent brawl together with his accomplice....

When his mum saw the whole incident, she called up the police without hasitation. Therefore, BaByBoy ran off together with his prized weapon into hiding in the streets away from the police.....

3 Months later after the incident, BaByBoy managed to escape the clutches of the law & finally open up a business that make him strike it rich overnight. Wonder what is he working as? Well he is into smuggling contraband cigars.....

Finally he met up with his accomplice for a drink at the strip pole dancing bar. (Chee Beh he give tips to the char bor but never use the money to give us a treat when we meet for outings


They left their seperate ways after the treat from BaByBoy. BabyBoy felt very giddy, drunk & hallucinated after the drinks that he was offered from his accomplice. When he reached his apartment, he immediately knocked out & fall dead on his bed. The next morning, his landlord barged into his apartment to demand the rental from BaByBoy's late rental payment....

but was later shocked to find out that BaByBoy died from severe alchohol poisoning.

The worst part is that the liqour that he drank was doped to compliment with the alchohol poisoning.

Guess who is the murderer of BaByBoy?