Originally posted by xiao_shin:
Heres the 1st 50. Don't ask why I excluded number 1.

2.)Car accident
5.)Electric chair
6.)Lethal injection
7.)Step on a land mine
8.)Radiation Poisoning
9.)Hold a live hand grenade
10.)Bludgeon yourself with a brick a lot
11.)Hold a golf club up during a storm
12.)Stand under a tree during a storm
13.)Go on Jenny Jones and tell a guy you want to be his gay lover
14.)Jump off a cliff
15.)Take cyanide
16.)Snap your spinal cord
18.)Stake through the heart
19.)Sky dive without a parachute
20.)Get lung cancer
21.)Get aids
22.)Have a heart attack
23.)Go into space without oxygen
24.)Be in a cave during a cave in
25.)Have a tornado whisk your house away to Oz where the evil witch kills you
26.)The ground splits open during an earthquake and you fall in
27.)Having your house catch on fire and you're in it
28.)Get ate by something big
29.)Get bit by a tse-tse fly
30.)Being allergic to bees and get stung by one
31.)Using dirty needles
32.)Sit on the ground during a mosh pit
33.)Getting a malitoff cocktail thrown in your window
34.)Take 8 valium pills and wash it down with some tequila
35.)Get stabbed by a rusty nail and get tetanus
36.)Get the disease from outbreak
37.)Get the flesh eating disease
38.)Call Luke "Guke"
39.)Be frozen
40.)Witness the mob murder someone, and you "accidentally" fall in the river and drown
41.)Stab yourself in the eye with a pencil
42.)Hit your head on the water fountain a bunch of times
43.)Slip on a banana peel while walking down the street and you fall in the street and get run over
44.)Play electric guitar in the bath tub
45.)Use toaster in the bath tub
46.)Blow dry hair in bath tub
47.)Take too many whippets
48.)Be exposed to too many UV rays
49.)Pour gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire
50.)Cut off your arm without using a tourniquet