I'm proud to announce the launch of our latest (and long awaited) collaborative anthology : OVER THERE: Poems from Singapore and Australia
The book will be launched as part of the Singapore Writers Festival 2007, at 7pm, 6 Dec 2007, at The Arts House (Earshot) .
Edited by John Kinsella and Alvin Pang, the volume features over 150 pages of poetry from each territory, including new and recent material from some of the most prominent living poets in Singapore and Australia. I'm especially pleased to be able to include new work from Lee Tzu Pheng, Madeleine Lee, Ng Yi-Sheng, Enoch Ng Kwang Cheng, Teng QianXi, Kirpal Singh, Edwin Thumboo, Toh Hsien Min, Cyril Wong, Robert Yeo and a host of others.
Australian editor John Kinsella will be flying in just for the launch -- and we hope to see all of you there in support of what we believe will be another groundbreaking anthology.
So hang around, party, chat and browse books -- I hope to see you all on the 6th!
Alvin Pang

A bit last minute, but the email was dated sent today. Even if you can't make it to the launch, this might be yet another local anthology to look out for.