Originally posted by bismarck:
my prac grp partner got a higher score than me for the evaluation test ( the lecturer sort of notices you and silently gives score) when he frequently sits there and tells me to go ask the lecturer when he is not sure of anything or he makes a mistake. then i dun want to like say ' he did it " like pointing fingers like that.
now i know, he ask me go ask lecturer because he will think it's me who doing wrongly, so ends up he gets higher practical competence score. and he initially got 3 marks more. then i protested to the lecturer but i didnt tell him that i was the one who would look for him when there is a mistake or foul up.
once he mistakenly poured a product for 1 of my prac that is to be used for a later prac, so i ask lecturer what shld we do? then he patted my shoulder and said " like this how are you going to do prac9" .....
i am not lamenting abt my lousy score but it's like i am the scapegoat for the nonsense others create and when there is credit , we share it if not others get more ?
same goes for my microbio prac which i mentioned b4. haiz....at least now i know....stand up for my rights....
yes, you have got to stand up for yourself..
at least you know better now..
this kind of people stay far far away from them..

how come got this kind of people around..