heng they not here...later see my terrible english and grades they want to butcher me liaoz
arlo teech3r, happi lao tu dae, i dunn0 wat 2 say 2 u as i 2dae tmd sianz liaoz. i say happi lau tu dae because std mah. ppl say i alsoo say 1 mah.
poly very e fun leh, no obiang unif0rm, can w3ar beng beng lian lian,as long got something can liaoz.

somemore here no need study, chiong PS2 daily, leetle homework, can come late 1. song bo!!!!
somemore can bling hp 2 sch. can putt on table. no need scared scared got ppl catch.
song bo!!!
bye bye lao tu, i got try beri hard to be good boy hor.
aniwae it was me who accidentally scratched yr car, drop kopi on yr table, ex-si-dent-ly shot-circuit yr fishy bowl and killed yr fishy. luo han become fried luo han.
Note to all users: What was mentioned above are simply for humour, please do not attempt to do this at any situation. While painstaking effort has been taken, any similiarities are coincidental.